Let your words be the genuine picture of your heart.
~John Wesley~

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Crazy about boys||

Dear future husband, 
There's something I'd like to address... 
I'm crazy about you! That's all. Just kidding. There's more. 
So I was having a chat on the phone with one of my amazingly wise girlfriends, and she said something that echoed my thoughts these last two years. Here are her words grossly paraphrazed... "I feel like in this day and age, we don't respect our men anymore." 
Dear future husband, if you agree with these words, I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry. You see, I feel like this country is so focused on women's rights, and women's choices that we've just gradually pushed you men to the bottom. Commercials are the epitomy of our disrespect. They feel the need to portray you as dumb, weak, and always dependant on the woman. We've forgotten so much how truly wonderful you men really are! 
||1 Corinthians 11: 8-9||  For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.

See!? Right there Paul explains how truly important you men are. You came first, then through you, God made us women. It's honestly as simple as that. I don't even know if any of this is making sense to you right now, so bear with me. 
So I'm sure you know this by now, but us women, we love to talk about you. A little too much. I feel society focus' more on the negative, rather than the positive of what you bring to our world. So in honor of you, I'd like to clear out a corner of my crowded schedule and explain just how much we need you gentlemen. There's so much to say... So make yourself comfortable, love.

To begin with, no matter how hard we try to deny it, we are the weaker sex. ( but by no means, lesser ) We women try to act tough and all that jazz, all the while not realizing, that we don't have to. Because... wait for it... God created YOU MEN. 

You are the strong hands, and the embracing arms that we fall into after our long hard days of chasing wild children, feeding their tummies, filling their brains with knowledge, and continuing to make your house into a beautiful home. Just one encouraging word from you, makes a world of difference in our hearts. You men matter. So much. 

Know this also, we are so humbled by the long hours of work you put in, so we can have a ceiling and walls to nest in. Day after day, you wake up early and come home in the evening, and then you offer to help us wrap up our overly busy day!? How do you do it? I mean what is your secret??

 It gives us butterflies to watch you men fill the pages of little boys' lives. You have so much influence in our little young men.

I'm pretty sure every woman on this planet would agree with me, but when you come home with a chocolate bar, (or anything sweet) during our roughest time of the month, we view you, good sir, as a knight in shiny armour. As cliche as it sounds, it's totally true. One little "you're beautiful" makes the days, weeks, and months feel like Spring, all year round.


A man must at times be hard as nails: willing to face up to the truth about himself, and about the woman he loves, refusing compromise when compromise is wrong. But he must also be tender. No weapon will breach the armor of a woman's resentment like tenderness.
||Elizabeth Elliot||

Are you feeling better about yourself yet? Not quite? Okay, I'll continue...
I don't think you men realize how very much we value your spiritual leadership. To hear you pray God's protection over your little or large family... It makes us feel safe and so treasured. Are you getting it yet? Do you believe me now? Shall I paraphrase it? YOU GUYS ROCK. 
Boys rule.
YOU men are VALUED.

So stop listening to all the haters. And start remembering what courageous men God created you to be. We hear all these Christian movies, books, and speakers, calling you out to be bold men of Jesus. To be manly men. To define masculinity biblically. But sometimes I just wonder... How do you men feel motivated to embrace your call to be our leaders, when all we do is beat you down, belittle you, and make fun of you? So I want to be one of the first girls to say... I'm so very sorry. From now on, us women will try to hold what matters dear. And that's you. You men matter. So very much. We look up to you and we love, respect, and adore you.


The world cries for men who are strong; strong in conviction, strong to lead, to stand, to suffer.
||Elizabeth Elliot||
Dear future husband, I'm waiting to tell you personally how much I love you. See you someday!


Stand true to your calling to be a man. Real women will always be relieved and grateful when men are willing to be men
||Elizabeth Elliot||

All pictures were taken by the A-amazing girl I call EB. 

P.s. can I just say this one thing though?? Pull up yo' pants, boy! Guarantee that it's one of the first keys in regaining our respect of you. We don't wanna see your sponge bob underoos! I dare you men to ask any girl. ANY GIRL, if they find it attractive when you waddle Like that. I'm pretty sure you know what the answer'll be. Remember, your job is to protect us... Now honestly, how able are you going to be if your pants are down that low?? "Here lies __________. He died trying to save his family. He would have been successful, if only he'd worn his pants where they belonged. Around his waist."

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Under Construction

Forgive me.
Forgive me for all those times I saw you hurting but didn't offer my arm for comfort. Forgive me for all those times I silently hated the sinner instead of the crime. Forgive me for those times when I could've told you about Jesus, but the terror of man fell on me. Forgive me for not turning the other cheek. Forgive me for being selfish. Forgive me for being sometimes distant to all the suffering you're going through in your country. Forgive me for sometimes losing hope that sometime, somewhere, somehow, a Godly leader will arise and guide America back to the throne of God. Forgive me for the times I haven't stood up for you. Forgive me for withholding my compassion because I feel an injustice towards me. Forgive me for looking to my own interests. Forgive me for being sometimes callous to what God hurts for. Forgive me for not praying at the hour that I most need to. Forgive me for not showing you the hospitality that God so gently commands. Forgive me for my moments of passiveness. Forgive me for not caring for the least of these. Forgive me for not smiling Jesus' radiance as I passed you by. Forgive me for sometimes letting my pride get in the way.
Forgive me. For I am just a C H R I S T I A N  under C O N S T R U C T I O N.
"I've been lost chasing dreams of yesterday
Found my heart always leading me astray
So take these broken wings and teach them to fly 'Cause You're changing me from water into wine From water into wine" ||Chris August: Water Into Wine||

Monday, July 20, 2015

Girl talk and maybe a Modesty Monday||

Hey hey, ladies!! Just droppin' by to say how amazing each and every one of you are! I feel God laying it on my heart to share this with you. There have been some decisions made, by leaders of this country, that (in all honesty) horrifiy me. We, as a country, have crossed all the boundaries that God has set so wisely. What pain God must feel as we celebrate something so unnatural and contrary to His will. We've spit on the idea of the sanctity of marriage over and over again. I rub my eyes in disbelief of what I'm seeing. What is a man? What is a woman? Everything has become so blurred.  Every day the sun rises and sets, as the words Gay, Transsexual, Bisexual, Lesbian, etc. invade our vocabulary, I have become more and more aware of the incandescent beauty of womanhood. Womanhood as God sees it.

As I sit here and think about it, I've realized that you know... Considering how fast evil has grown and spread in this world, it hurts to think that I might have to tell my little girlies only "of the days" when women where attracted to men and men had a thing for women. Aggh!! It's just all so terribly backwards, ladies! Okay, I could stand on my soapbox all day and preach to you all the wrongness that has transpired... but instead, let's focus on all the "rightness" of being a woman. The little things that make femininity so breathtaking.

“I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and… I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn

I think Audrey Hepburn, pretty much nailed it in the above quote. It really is the smallish things that make being a lady so amazing!! We women are given such a beautiful role in life. To be the soft hand our husbands can grasp in the moment of their instability. 

God picked us; our bodies to be the home of  little people for the nine months of their lives. I mean despite the pain and grossness we have to suffer thru, it all makes sense in the end as we get to nurture and fiercely gently love the world's future doctors, presidents, veterans, policemen, and so much more.

We get to instruct our little girls on the ways of true ladyhood. And for our little men, we get to add a softer influence to their rambunctious selves. 

We were instilled with such a great appreciation of beauty. Roses, color, art, etc.

No man will ever understand the joy we experience when we find out that; that EXTREMELY cute dress is actually on sale! 
Or the simple satisfaction it gives us to stay up late with our girlfriends, solving the world's problems.

And only us ladies, will know how truly wonderful it is to have a good hair day. Or how dress-up was usually the highlight of every day. 

"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years."
||Audrey Hepburn||

And let's be honest here... Men, they make being a girl all the more special...

But it's even better knowing, that we are loved unconditionally, no matter our mood swings, cravings, and moments of wishing we weren't girls, by a Man that thinks we're to die for. A Man who took off His shiny armour to die for us, and to prove how ardently he admires and loves us. He thinks we're beautiful. No matter what, because he's the one who created us to be His women!! 
So as the lines get blurred, let's focus back on who we were meant to be. Women. 

"To understand the meaning of womanhood we have to start with God. If He is indeed “Creator of all things visible and invisible” He is certainly in charge of all things, visible and invisible, stupendous and miniscule, magnificent and trivial. God has to be in charge of details if He is going to be in charge of the overall design."
||Elizabeth Elliot||

As I mentioned, here is the little MM bit. 
Hat: I think it was Wal-Mart. It was pretty cheap

Dress: This is my favorite part guys!!! I got this dress from Target ( yes Target, the place you leave almost broke. ) for the grand total of $3. Whaaat? Contrary to what you might be thinking, it is in excellent shape for being marked so low. I also found out that it actually has pockets!! So weird thing is, my bestie pulled out this dress from the rack, after I had pulled the same one out in a size medium. The one I originally had was on sale for $8. But the small (the $3 one) basically was the same size as the medium. And as you can see in the above picture, the small was still loose around my waist. Basically a win-win in every direction. So I don't know if Target just really wanted to make someone's day, or if they're having some major communication problems within their pricing department. Either way, I'm stoked that I found this!! 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Two Thousand Fourteen... In A Nutshell

Well... lately I've been going through that awkward stage between birth and death called "life". 
A life that I have been so blessed with. 
There has been so much brokenness, healing, laughter, love, friendships and grace. It just makes you want to take a moment and breathe it all in.  Isn't God so good to us?? No... just really think about it. The Thesaurus.com uses the word satisfying as a simile to good. God is satisfying. Hmm, when you put it like that...

So, here is a big  a little conglomeration of photos illustrating my 2014 in no particular order. 

Friendships. I loved that part of this year. So many beautiful kindreds, so many exquisite memories made together. There are so many faces not posted here. Friends whom emails have been exchanged back and forth to, un-recorded visits, last minute conversations. Aren't friendships beautiful?

Annie. The new 2014 Annie production is DELIGHTFUL!! All of us girls in the fam went to see it and all fell head over heels in love with it! 

Talent. Talent flows in our little church and it is most prevalent during our spring and winter programs. So many children and adults endowed with beautiful voices. Dess, Reba, Cal and others at LCBC (you know who you are ;}) I admire your voices. 
I don't have a picture (only a video... yeah, no way.) but my sisters and I sang a number at our Christmas program. It definitely was a stretch of my comfort zone but it was fun. 

Speaking of talent... meet the world's best actress! Lil... You rocked. 
We welcomed in the Christmas season by watching a play. The classic, 'It's A Wonderful Life'. Let me tell you... the two boys that played the character George... they were UH-mazing. They had James Stewart's voice down to the T. #sogood 
And Lil! I actually think she made a better Clarence than the actor in the movie. 

Just look at this picture... how can you not be overwhelmed by that cuteness!?!?
Josie and I bought this outfit for this adorable lil' girl. #i'mwrappedaroundherlittlefinger
She brightens up our days, this little girl! The things she says keep us in stitches. 

Sisters. Sisters who ask you to take their senior pictures. Sisters who have faith in your amauter photography skills. What would this world be like without sisters? #seniorpicspostcomin'up #getexcited

These last two Christmas' I've been really getting into being creative in my gift wrapping. It's so much fun. I still haven't reached the "pinterest worthy" level yet, but I'm way excited to get there. Isn't life beautiful!? #becreative

Did I mention friendship? :] I love this part of Christmas!! Love seeing all these darling friends whom we love. 

darling photo taken by EB
Talking about stretching comfort zones, my sistahs and I put on a 25th anniversary celebration for the parents. (They helped out for the majority of it) but it was still definitely stretching planning and organizing everything. #lookforthisupcomingposttoo 

Outings. The make for exciting days, don't they? Josie and I traipsed around the Iowa State Fair together. The sights, smells, sounds... whoo! Overpowering! But somehow we managed to have a delightful little sisterly bonding time together. 

We love the pork chops! #you'vegottahaveone 
So many vibrant colors, so many unique people, so much to take in. It was interesting being on our own without older sister or mother to handle the maps and the directions. Our legs were sore by the end of the day from so many wrong turns and loops around the large grounds. :]

Yes, there is a story behind this. My dad works for the US Army Corps of Engineers. Dad had a booth up at the fair. And thus this picture was born. (Don't you just love the turkey leg touch?) 

Inspiration. The Family Economics conference. (This was the only picture I took during the three days. Enjoy. :]) This was a very long three days. I mean that in the best possible way. There was so much wisdom handed out, so many inspiring teachers/speakers/mentors. Wow! Our family came back home bursting to the seams with new ideas to forge. 

Family. Family camp was a most definite highlight of the year. Loved each and every moment spent there. Do you ever just smell or feel something that reminds you of a place? Well this is the place where so many of my memories run back to. 

Wissmann's and Bontrager's thank you for putting together this! We love you! EB has some more memories captured from family camp here.

So beautiful. That smile gives me butterflies! 

Elizabeth Telfer! I love you to pieces! Thanks for being the calm in my crazy! :]
Btw, Mr. Telfer has a neat ministry. As well as an awesome and thought provoking documentary. Check it out here.  

Tessa!! I love this kindred. Isn't she stunning?

Turning Hearts. We love going every single year. The old friendships revisited, new ones made, the inspiring speakers. We just love it! Shout out to the Bontrager's for keeping this going every year! 

Seriously... it never gets old! Aren't they just adorable? :] 

This picture. I love seeing daddy's with their daughters. Beautiful.

Modesty Monday. I had fun posting these! Hoping 2015 will bring around some more posts!
The above picture was supposed to be a Modesty Monday titled "What to wear to the State Fair" 
Well here it is! :] So in 2015, if you're having trouble trying to decide what would be most comfortable to wear, pick the jean skirt! It always wins! :]


Guys, there are so many more adventures and events that happened this year. But I didn't preserve the memories in a picture. But the memories are still very much there!

This year I was stoked to finally give my bedroom a much needed make over. I'm tossing around the idea of doing a post on it. After you see the pictures, maybe you'll agree with me that it was much needed. :]

Speech. Josie and I participated in another tournament this autumn. 
Speech is such a stretching experience. Writing, editing, memorizing, and practicing over and over and over. I know I'll be glad when it's finished but I also know I'll be blessed with the experience. 

God. This year I was overwhelmed with my sinners state of heart. I am such a sinner, but isn't He such a Savior??? 

Forgiveness. My family constantly showed me God's grace by forgiving my faults and shortcomings over and over again. I've learned the healing power of being forgiven, and the joy of forgiving. My friend, Hannah, picked HOPE as her word of 2014. I think If I had a choice, FORGIVENESS would be my word. Maybe for the next ten years actually. :] There is still so much I have to learn. Soften my heart, Lord.

I've found that I've entered that interesting/bittersweet stage in life where my friends, whom I've grown up with, are embarking on a new path of life. The path of marriage. Part of me is beyond stoked for them. I mean I've been trying to find them matches for a long time!! And yet, a part of me wishes life would just slow down a little. But I know that it can't. It won't. I know think that's been part of my growing up experience this 2014. 

Work. Josie and I very much enjoyed working for the Cory's this year. Yes, there were a couple of days where the early mornings didn't look very inviting, but I went anyway. Responsibility is another thing I'm learning and still will be learning years to come. But for the most part, we ENJOY work. After all, not everyone gets to have these cuties as their constant companions! We love the Corys to the moon and back! 

Elizabeth Elliot. That woman, that good, Godly, beautiful, and inspiring soul! She has become such an example to me. Check out My pinterest boards and you'll know what I mean! That lady is so full of wisdom. Ladies, I encourage you to look up some of her quotes. You will be inspired. I promise. 

Music. Chris August's 'The Upside of Down' album has refreshed me this year. Man, that guy knows what powerful lyrics mean. 

Bible. I love that Book. "Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man..." Romans 2 starts off that way. Talk about getting your attention. So much power in four words. "Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man". One of the things I've been learning. Trying to learn, Is that judgement should come slowly. I rush to judgement SO much! So this passage really leaped out at me.  >>>>>> 

Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
 But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Romans 2:1-3 

Wow. And that's only one of the many convicting verses I've discovered in 2014!  

This year wasn't a perfect year, but I choose to love this year of my life. 
I have learned so much, enjoyed, loved, and adored so much of it. 
My God has been so faithful! Faithful to meet me at the end of my floundering, weakness, and insecurities. I will never stop asking this... Isn't God SO good to us? 

Well to wrap it all up... I leave you with this.

Embrace 2015. Purpose to make this year better than the last. Make a difference. Shine a light. And remember... God is SO good. 

A happy new year to you and yours!

Your friend,

Monday, December 22, 2014

Aaaand She's back! Modesty Monday|| The lady behind the desk

"Modesty is a virtue that shows love to others and brings glory to God through appropriate dress." -Tim Challies-

Did you miss me? I honestly really shouldn't waste my time trying to come up with an excuse. I'm sorry, my dear people! 


So I was going through my closet the other day and realized I had never worn this purple jacket. Or more like... I had been avoiding it. When I first received this jacket, I didn't have a black skirt that looked professional/stylish/dressed up- enough to go with this Jacket. These types of jackets tend to need a more a-line, pencil-ish skirt. So when I found this black one, I was stoked! 

Not quite sure what's going on is these pics, but I look like I'm sick.  I guess it was rather cold outside. 
I call this the "Lady behind the desk" outfit because it looks like something a business woman or a librarian would wear. Haha. I don't know... just my quirky title. 

Outfit Details

Necklace: Stuff etc
Cami: I'm thinking it was the clearance section in Wal-mart 
Jacket: Garage sale!! #garagesalersunite
Skirt: Wait for it... Stuff etc! (I bet you didn't see that one comin' did ya?) ;]

That's it for now. I will TRY to be back with another post or two. Sometime this millennium... I hope. :]

God's abounding blessings be on each and every one of you this Christmas!
Remember to worship HIM this season! 

 The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

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~Proverbs 3:3-4~

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:

So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.