Hey y'all! Here's a post just to prove that I haven't tripped and fallen off the earth. =D
I'm sorry for not posting, and I'll probably have to keep saying this as long as my little corner of blogger land is open.
*Warning* Very long post ahead! And A LOT of flower pictures. These pictures aren't in monthly order either.
In early May, Our church put on a Spring choir program. My friend and I survived playing flute for one of the song's. =D Sorry, I don't have a picture of us in action.
Me, being the shorty, received the honors of standing in the front row! |
In March, I had the privilege of being able to take a dear friend's
senior pictures.
We drove to Pella to take most of her pictures. The little shops there were so cute and the bakeries full of fantabulous yummi-ness!
We visited this sweet family sometime earlier this May. One of their family members was going through surgery. So we dropped by the hospital to keep them company while they waited for the surgery to end.
L-R Yours truly, My sister Josie, Haley, Emily, Olivia, and my sister Marie.
And this is their brother (Elliot) who somehow didn't make it into the above picture. I think he was the one taking the picture.
Lots of games have been played this spring. What would we do without card games?
Our garden has been thriving! I won't show all the produce pictures but here's a bit.
In the beginning of spring, our family felt honored to be the hosts of a bird family. They took up residence on our front porch. It was fun being able to take pictures of their growth each day.
These flowers outside my window, turned out beautiful. The rabbit must of thought so too. (Or more thought them to be yummy.) Most of them ended up in it's stomach.
In the middle of June (Before the first day of summer, yes these can count as spring photos.)
Josie and I got to stay with a dear friend.
Hannah and my sister Josie. |
I mean seriously, spending five days with your bestie, how sweet can life get? =D
To try to describe how amazingly fantabulous this girl is, seems to me utterly futile but I'll try anyway.
She's cute, sweet, thoughtful, hilarious, gorgeous, fun to be around, and such an encouragement to me. The radiance of Christ seems to just exuberate from her!
Hannah and Yours truly. |
I had W A Y to much fun taking pictures in front of the sunset and I had with me the loveliest of models.
Early June, our
Bright Lights group sang at a nursing home. Not all of the little ladies are pictured below. We never got a group picture but here are some pics of some of the girls. This picture was taken after we were finished.
I L O V E going to nursing homes and talking to the residents. I love looking into their eyes and seeing stories of yesteryears. It probably means A LOT to them to have young kids talk to them and here their stories. Any bit of love you show them probably makes their year!
This girl has an Uh-mazing voice! She sang Amazing Grace for the residents. All of them LOVED it and even mouthed some of the words to the hymn along with her.
In April, we celebrated the birthday of one of my
It was a very neat conference and I enjoyed it very much.
So there you have it... a recap of my spring!
The LORD is good!
I know there are probably several different events that I didn't post about or didn't get the opportunity to photograph, but as of right now, this is all I can think of.
So... how was your spring? Fun, boring, hectic, slow? Tell me all about it!
Psalm 35:9
And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD: it shall rejoice in his salvation.