Let your words be the genuine picture of your heart.
~John Wesley~

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Don't grow up...
How do they so easily grasp your heart?
A small three year-old with a personality as large as the world.
Syrup dripping from her face, she stops and flashes a smile as bright as the sun at you. Stop. Breathe. Don't grow up.
innocence as beautiful as the moon, unaware of the darkness of this world. Stop. breathe. Gasp. Don't grow up.
She walks up to you and quietly slips her hand into yours and exclaims, "You're my best friend!" Stop. Breathe. Don't grow up.

 She whispers in your ear, "I love you, Kaylee!" Stop. Breathe. Don't grow up.
 A little girl with two mis-matched flip-flops. 
A three year-old girl with the world at her hands... Stop. Pray. Protect her little heart. Lord... hold her tightly in the palm of your hands. Stop. Breathe. gasp.  Don't grow up.

Psalm 112:2

 Their children will be mighty in the land;
    the generation of the upright will be blessed.


  1. What a sweet reminder to hold tight to those moments! Thanks for posting!

  2. Lovely pictures! What a cute little girl! ;)

    1. Hey, girl! Thanks... isn't she just adorbs? Her personality is WAY more adorable.
      Hey I took a peek at your blog, your new header is beautiful! Glad it worked out and glad to see that my directions weren't too confusing. [smile]

    2. Hey Kaylee!! Thank you! :) No! Your directions were very helpful and not confusing at all! :) Thanks again for telling me about pic-monkey! (I'm in-love with that program now!) ~Tashia

  3. Yay for younger friends! :D They are such a huge blessing and I don't know what I'd do without them. So thankful for these awesome blessings from our Heavenly Father. <3 I need to remember to write down younger kiddo quotes more often - I was doing it pretty faithfully for a while, but need to add some recent ones to the list. At fam fall retreat Callie and I had mentioned one morning about how the colors of my purple jeans/denim dress/brown boots clashed in a good way...and later 'lil Emma randomly mentioned something along the lines of "those do not match" (pointing to my boots and jeans). Too cute and brightened my day! ;) Oh, and love the focus on your friend's eyes in these pics + the lovely location, Kaylee! Sorry for rambling. :P ~EB

    1. EB!!! It feels like I haven't seen you in like for-EVAH! I miss you, girl! How's Bible Bee studying going??? Nationals are coming up! (That probably wasn't a very encouraging statement... sorry. [smile])
      Emma... She. is. adorable. the end. =D
      Love you oodles!

    2. @Kaylee: Aww, yes, I know! Hopefully I shall see you tomorrow, Lord willing?! Prayers are much appreciated for our Heavenly Father to give us the strength to finish strong even when it's hard. So thankful for this opportunity to study and memorize His Word though. <3 Haha, yeah, grateful for every. single. day. before nationals. ;) Yes, Em is pretty much the definition of adorable. =) Love ya, too, and, hey, the study weekend is almost here! Yay. :D ~EB

  4. Wow, how have I not seen this post until now??
    SOOO cute. =D Just adorable, I love the thoughts along with it. Miss you much!

  5. So fun! It's a real treasure to have little people we can pour into.


    1. It's always SO fun to see a new face in the comment section! Thanks for leaving a comment, Nicole!
      I don't know if you remember me or not, but I was at Mitchell's and Allison's Senior recital and open house. Just thought I'd throw that our there. [smile]
      Anyway... once again, thanks for stoppin' by, girl!

  6. Hello Kaylee - I recognize that sweet little girl! Thanks for posting. I am trying to figure out the blogging thing and would like to link to you, if I can figure it all out.
    How are you all? How was speech and debate?
    Love you!

    1. Hey Mrs. Misiura! We are doing well over here. Life is full of speech. :] The tournament went better than I expected it to be. Josie won 4th place in her Persuasive speech and I made it to sem-finals in my Open Interpretation. How are all of you??? We should def Skype sometime soon, k? :] Love you too!



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~Proverbs 16:24~
Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

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~Proverbs 3:3-4~

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:

So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.