Early in July we were able to attend a conference called 'Living For God' Wow!! So many profound words spoken and so many deep thoughts shared. Steve Deace, Scott Brown, Kevin Swanson, and Phil Kayser were the four main speakers for the three day conference.
There wasn't a HUGE turnout but God always uses small things to bring big changes.
"History is the work of God in judgement and redemption."
::Kevin Swanson::
There was such a dynamic difference in the way each of the speakers presented their messages. From calm and gentle to #thereisnowayanyoneisgoingtosleep... Kevin Swanson was definitely the latter. :]
His messages are always so inspiring!!
Yep, he's pretty much the definition of "dynamic"
"No man can rise above his worldview."
::Steve Deace::
I have to say... I was prepared to not have a lot to glean from Steve Deace's message but... wow!! He has changed the way he delivers the truth so much in a VERY positive way!! I very much enjoyed his messages. So insightful!
"Failing to learn the lessons of grace has greatly ruined our nation."
::Phil Kayser::
This man... #somuchwisdom I enjoyed every bit of it. Even the parts that flew over my head. :]
Some of my favorite people are the ones years younger than me.
I had so much fun with this lil' boy and his sister.
Cause every post needs an awkward selfie.
This kid. #nowordsneeded
Aaaaand sometimes you really can't distinguish the ten year age difference.
Yours Truly turned another year closer to becoming a immature mature adult.
It was such a blessing to have some of my girls over to celebrate. We had a whole cartload of fun and I love each one of them to pieces!!
Thank you so much ladies for a fun-filled birthday and for gracing me with your dear presence!
As I look ahead on the rest of my seventeenth year I pray fervently that Christ would use me for His glory.
There are so many things that I regret of my sixteenth year. So many things that I said and did. But with God's grace, I fervently hope and pray that this year will be a year of unmeasurable grace and exceeding mercy. I would be so humbled if you all would offer up a prayer for the direction of my seventeenth year. That God would use it fully for his glory.
It's almost intimidating thinking about all the things that I need to learn and so many character traits I need to acquire. #lifeishard But isn't God so good? Mmmm... I believe very much that He is!
Have a G O R G E O U S Thursday, lovlies!!
Yes, lots of inspiring things to think on at the conference! And your birthday was so fun and I love how your eyes sparkle in that last picture. :)