Let your words be the genuine picture of your heart.
~John Wesley~

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My life lately...

Life has been fast and slow as of late, but its been good because God is good!
We hosted a Bright Lights leaders training March 15th and 16th and learned greatly from that conference!

 Couldn't resist putting this picture up. One of the handsome lil guys at my church. =D
 And this one is equally as handsome! =D
 Flute... I need to get back into the swing of things. Specially since I'm playing a piece in our Choir program. [gulp] hopefully I don't mess up like the last few practices! Right, EB?
Earlier this month, Josie's pen-pal came to visit. We had so much fun hosting Kelly! Lots of long chats, laughter, fun and games.

And more games!

 Just recently my friend had a birthday party and my sista and I attended...
We had W A Y too much fun!!!
 Games are so much more fun with lots of friends!

Starting at the left side of the Table. Yours truly, Hannah, Josie, Lily, Maddie, Stephanie, Elizabeth, Sarah, Rebekah, Madison, Hadassah, & Callie.

And the biggest time consumer!
SCHOOL WORK!!! I have nothing nice to say about it...  except a Bible verse.  Ecclesiastes 12:11 ...Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.
I laughed when I saw this verse... how did I miss it before? =D

Just a couple of things that have been happening lately!

So, how has God been blessing you this month? Anything unusual,  fun, or amusing happen to you lately?

~ Ecclesiastes 12:13
Now all has been heard;
    here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
    for this is the duty of all mankind.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bright Lights...

A little peek into the going ons of our Bright Lights group.
If you've never heard of Bright Lights, I encourage you to take a look at this website.
My older sister, Marie had been leading this Bright Lights groups since 2005.
Monica started attending our group in 2005 and has been a faithful attendee since! She has begun to help lead the meetings, too!
At first we started out only having older girls, but we decided that planting seeds when they are young reaps a lifetime of rewards!
We count each of these girls that attend SUCH a blessing.
They are all SO adorable and I love them to pieces!
So with no further ado... Here is our lil bright Lights group!

Oh my goodness! Isn't her hair beautiful!

We have also enjoyed having the moms participate in the meetings along with their daughters.

Oh my goodness so cute!!!!
In case you're wondering why they're touching their ears, they decided to put star stickers on them.
This little girl is so insightful and very smart and did I forget to mention Uh-dor-able?
Where do I start with her? Her personality is SO much like mine which makes it doubly awesome to have her in this group! She is my little lap warmer. =D
It has been so much fun to watch her grow up! Her eyes are so beautiful!
Isn't she gorgeous??? And her little high voice... SO cute! She is our newest attendee, and I've been quickly finding out how full of life she is and how much alike she is to me!
This is one of the older girls in our group. (Did I forget to mention that we combined our older and younger group?) We didn't have very many in our older group. It's been kinda nice because now the older girls can help the youngers with Bible drills, skits, etc

She wanted me to take a picture of her holding her brownie. (Which apparently doesn't show in this pic. =D)
One of many yummy goodies at our tea-party.

They each have such unique and adorable personalities! It has been such a joy watching their personalities take flight! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Aneishka (Uh-neesh'-Kah) My new partner in crime!
She's a Canon EOS rebel t4i.
We're having a lot of fun chasing my friends around!

You'll no doubt be seeing a lot of her around here!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Three girls + three cameras = bliss!

Last Thursday my two lovely friends and I decided to do a photoshoot together.
We had W A Y to much fun. It was a total blast!
These ladies are very much accomplished in their photography skills, and I've so enjoyed hearing little helpful hints from them about shooting. 
Meet my Annie friend!
She is the most elegantly poised person I know. And so gorgeous inside and out!
She is so adorable when she gets exited about things! And
her dimple...love, love it!
Annie has one of the most beautiful-est voices ever,
and is a very talented pianist!
I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Annie so-O much!
Love this girl so much!
Oh I could go on and on about how wonderful she is... but I'll let you get on with viewing the pictures! =D

Just L O V E this pic. It's so Annie. So cute!
See what I mean people? Is she not one of the most gorgeous people?

Meet Elizabeth affectionately known as "EB" Oh my goodness... Elizabeth is SO joyful and absolutely radiant inside and out! She is so sweet and considerate! You can not; not like Elizabeth!!! You can't keep a frown on your face for long when Elizabeth's around! Her smile lights up the world! I've enjoyed getting to know her so much, and her sweet letters, notes, and blog post comments always make my year! Oh my goodness, I love her to death!

I'm sure you've noticed, but I have to say it again... She's SO pretty!

One of my favorites....

Annie and Elizabeth, I had such an amazing time with you two... Your helpful hints were very much appreciated and I'm so-O looking forward to doing this again! Thanks for making my life nothing but happiness! =D Love you more!

So which  of those were your favorites? They (Annie and Elizabeth) each posted of our time together here and here

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~Proverbs 3:3-4~

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:

So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.